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Debt Fix Complaint Handling

Help us to put things right

Debt Fix is committed to delivering efficient, high level, quality service. We aim to provide prompt, courteous, helpful, open and informative advice in response to every approach made by a member of the public. We are always keen to hear the views of our clients about our performance.

We recognise that, like all organisations, from time to time things can go wrong. We are especially keen to hear about such instances since they provide us with an opportunity to put things right and to learn from our mistakes. That way, we can get it right next time.

Types of complaint handled

  • Handling complaints quickly, fairly and helpfully is a key part of our approach to service delivery.

When things go wrong and Debt Fix does not provide the quality of service expected, we will endeavour to:

  • Ensure that making a complaint is as easy as possible;
  • Treat a complaint seriously whether it is made by telephone, letter, fax or e-mail;
  • Deal with it promptly, politely and where appropriate, informally (for example, by telephone);
  • Include in our response an apology where we have got things wrong, an explanation of the position, or information on any actions taken, etc.;
  • Learn from complaints, use them to improve our service.

How to make a complaint

You can make a complaint in writing, e-mail or by telephone; in any event, please provide a day-time telephone number where we may contact you if you would find a telephoned response convenient. If you are e-mailing, please let us know if a reply by e-mail is acceptable and, if not, please provide a full postal address.

Complaints should normally be directed to the member of staff with whom you have been dealing. This will give them the opportunity to explain what actions have been taken and to try to sort things out with you. If you would prefer, you can ask the member of staff for the name of their line manager and direct your complaint to him/her.

If you are not satisfied and feel the complaint is unresolved then you could consider raising the matter with the most appropriate Agency as described below.


Loan & Financial Services Complaints

It is a requirement that all Credit Licensees have a dispute resolution system in place that consists of a complying internal dispute resolution (IDR) process and membership of an EDRS. Our business is a member of the EDR scheme run by the Australian Financial Complaints Authority or ‘AFCA’ .

AFCA is the external dispute resolution (EDR) scheme which deals with complaints from consumers and small businesses about financial services and products.

Membership of AFCA is required under law or a licence condition. AFCA operations are financed by contributions made by its members. and the scheme is free to consumers

You can lodge a complaint with AFCA, as follows:



Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call)

Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001

Debt Agreement Complaints

If your complaint relates to an Insolvency matter (such as a Debt Agreement), the correct agency to complain to in the first instance is the Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA).

AFSA is responsible for monitoring standards of personal insolvency practitioners (including debt agreement administrators under the Bankruptcy Act. There is no charge for the service and AFSA will acknowledge written complaints within seven days. According to AFSA’s charter, they are able to deal with most complaints within 28 days. Complex issues may take longer.

How to complain to AFSA: If Debt Fix is unable to satisfy your complaint, you may consider contacting AFSA’s Regulation and Enforcement branch:

Regulation & Enforcement

Australian Financial Security Authority

GPO Box 548, Sydney NSW 2001

Tel: 1300 364 785


There is no cost for raising a complaint through AFSA

Complain Form

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