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Top 6 Tips to Improve and Maintain Your Credit Score.

There are good reasons to aspire for a high credit score. It can increase the odds of a lender approving you for a loan or line of credit. You may even acquire more favourable borrowing terms, such as a lower interest rate. Why? Because, through the eyes of a lender, a high credit score equates to .....
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Category: Debt Tips

5 Common Myths About Bad Credit Car Loans .

Whether you plan on buying a new or used car, saving up for a new set of wheels can be challenging. That’s why around 14 percent of Australians have a car loan. But for people with bad credit, applying for a car loan can be risky. Why? For one, they are more likely to be rejected by lenders, which,.....
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Category: Debt Management, Debt Tips

Success Stories: How Debt Fix Clients Overcame Debt Through Consolidation.

  There are many reasons why people fall into debt. But until you experience the pain, stress, anguish, and frustration of being caught in a debt trap, then it can be hard to grasp just how it would ever happen to you. How would you slip into debt? How would it affect your life – and the life .....
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Category: Debt Consolidation

Alternatives to Debt Consolidation Loans for People With Poor Credit.

  Juggling multiple debts is hard. It is even harder for those with poor credit, as it can be more difficult to be approved for a debt consolidation loan. A debt consolidation loan involves taking out a bad credit personal loan, using the extra funds to repay your debts, and gradually paying o.....
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Category: Debt Consolidation

Navigating the Debt Consolidation Loan Application Process With Bad Credit .

Repaying multiple debts at once can be stressful, especially if bad credit is limiting your debt relief options. One of these options is a debt consolidation loan, which typically involves you taking out a personal loan, using the extra funds to wipe your debts clean, and gradually paying off the n.....
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Category: Debt Consolidation, Debt Tips

How to Improve Your Credit Score Before Applying for a Debt Consolidation Loan.

Before you apply for a debt consolidation loan, it is a good idea to review your credit score first. This will help give you an idea as to how likely you are to be approved for a debt consolidation loan, the interest rates, and how favourable the terms of the debt agreement will be to you. If you.....
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Category: Debt Consolidation, Debt Tips

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Debt Management Plan?.

A debt management plan can be an effective way to gradually repay your unsecured debts to multiple creditors. By talking to a debt management consultant, they can help you: Assess your ability to repay, negotiate with creditors, and combine multiple debts into one monthly repayment. Also, they may.....
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Category: Debt Tips

Understanding Pros and Cons of Debt Consolidation Loans for Bad Credit Borrowers.

  Financial well-being is an aspiration most of us strive towards. We want to be debt-free, have sufficient savings for a rainy-day and investments that can bring us closer to our financial goals.     However, achieving that state of financial security can be hard. And sometimes, in an effort .....
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Category: Debt Consolidation

How to pay off credit cards to lower your debt.

Bottom Line: The best first step to getting back in control of your finances is putting together a plan. Some strategies to get you on top of credit card debt include paying your card on time, planning to pay higher than the minimum, not adding to your existing debt and cutting back on the number o.....
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Category: Debt Tips

7 Smart Ways to Pay Off Debt in 2023.

Are you struggling to pay off one or more debts and want to regain control of your finances?If so, then consider a debt repayment strategy. This is when you assess your finances, create a plan, and gradually pay off your debt(s), with as little impact on your lifestyle and wellbeing as possible. De.....
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