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What to Consider Before Choosing a Credit Card.

Bottom Line: With so many credit card providers, the one you pick can have a dramatic impact on your ability to pay for the things you need and want in life, and your ability to pay off those purchases on time. When shopping for a credit card it is worth considering whether the associated fees you .....
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Category: Debt Tips

How to Budget Through Rising Cost of Living.

Bottom Line: Good budgeting is especially important in times when the cost of living continues to go up because it’s easier to get into financial trouble. Although the budget you’re following may have been great before, you need to consider the higher cost of living and recalibrate your budget acco.....
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Category: Debt Tips

Can A Buy Now Pay Later Service Help Me Manage Debt? .

‘Buy now, Pay Later’ services have become a trendy way for people to pay for goods and services when they do not have the cash up-front, and as an easy alternative to credit cards. But before you decide to use a ‘Buy now, Pay Later’ service, it important to know exactly how it will impact your budg.....
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Category: Debt Help

Taking the wheel: 5 things to consider before taking a car loan.

So, you’ve started going on a few test drives and your dream car is a little over your budget? Perhaps you need a car immediately so that you can accept a job opportunity, maybe you don’t want to pay outright for a car because of an investment opportunity. Whatever the reason, being well researche.....
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Category: Debt Tips

Where to turn to: How to get financial help when you’re in debt.

Bottom Line: Debt is certainly overwhelming, but it may be comforting to note that you do have options when it comes to debt help. Some steps you could take to get financial help include figuring out what you owe and prioritising your debts. Making a budget, seeing an expert, and deciding on the be.....
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Category: Debt Tips

5 major things you need to know about a debt management plan.

If you’re struggling to keep up with your repayments and you are finding it difficult to pay for your living expenses, a debt management plan might be something you consider. A debt management plan involves a firm arranging a plan for you that you can stick to. A debt management firm can help you .....
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Category: Debt Tips

4 Types of Debt to Avoid.

Bottom Line: Most people will take a loan out at some point in their life. Large loans that you cannot manage and repay on a monthly basis with your current income can lead to a larger debt and poor credit ratings. You should try to avoid the most expensive type of credit such as short term, high i.....
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Category: Debt Management

Cut out debt: 10 Best Ways to Improve Credit Card Debt.

Sometimes life catches you when you are in a bind. For some, it could be an accidental mishap with your car or something in your home that needs urgent repairing. While credit cards can help alleviate some of your money woes, it can also lead you down a rabbit hole of debt. If your credit card de.....
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Category: Debt Tips

Credit Card Do’s and Don'ts.

Bottom Line: A credit card can be convenient to use when you’re facing unexpected costs such as an excess on a private health bill. Make sure to pay off the balance on time, pay higher than the minimum repayment, and not make cash withdrawals. Moreover, make a budget you can stick to and do your re.....
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Category: Debt Tips

Recovering From Your Holiday Money Hangover.

The holiday season is not only a time of self-indulgence, but we are often too keen to indulge our friends, family and loved ones. For some, every dollar is meticulously planned out, but for most, this isn’t the case. Looking back at your Christmas purchases, you reflect on a time when you spent a .....
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Category: Debt Tips